Sunday, May 31, 2009
I can't do my homework!
I can't choose my class of next semester!
I can't go shopping!
Please run fast!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The day is the day before Dragon Boat Festival, so most students want to back home and have a nice holiday.Therefore, there are few people to watch it.
All dancers perform 5 minutes, but they practiced it use much more time than showing. The shows are great and spectacular!!! Only one thing is worst, we set in front of the sound. My pathetib ears!!!
After watching, we go to the Chung Ywan night market. All the street are full of cloth and food. This is a good place to buy some girl's clothes and get fat .
Then we go to baseball pratice space to play. I find a great words about everything from baseball. "If you want to flick home run and then can't fear to fan the air." Doing everything just try and follow your own mind!!
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan
Sunday, May 24, 2009
CGU a miraculous place
I think the most interesting thing is BBS. BBS provides many choices as much as you image.
I am addict to '' buytogether '' of the bbs. After I entered Chang Gung University, I buy a lot of thing on it. It is too convient to save my money!!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
520 A Special Day

Monday, May 18, 2009
My New Cell Phone

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Advantages of Living in the School Dormitory
a Grear Art Work Website
Monday, April 27, 2009
Having a Dinner with My Basketball team

The Korea restaurant had nice service and delicious dishes. In the restaurant, you could eat all the things as much as you can, and the time of eating didn't confine. It was special that the unusual dish was provided for each several time. You could expect the dish which would be provided next time. All the meat was preserved with Korea sauce, and all the vegetable was really fresh.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Music and Lyrics
Sunday, April 19, 2009
To Be Honest
The situation was that a good friend asked me for help. Then I didn't refuse him. However, something would be wrong because of my promise. The story was very short and unclear because I wanted to protect us.
After that, I think that everyone will meet or met the same question. Can I help my friends to do things which we all know they are wrong? Although the teacher said that great friends don't ask you helping bad things, almost of us will help them and make friends with them. It will be a big question for everyone's life.
The event gave me a lesson. " To Be Honest! " To accept the fact and take resposibility after your promise or refuse.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Do you realize me ??
The following website is my survey of who realizes me.
You can write your name, and just answer it!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
my new hair style

Monday, April 6, 2009
free writing
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
constant affairs
No matter how busy you are, time flies like an arrow. The exams of every subject will come on time. In order to finish the perparing of tests before it comes, I have to plan time efficiently.
mid-term of physics
Physics is the most difficult to learn in all subjects which I learn. I always use much more time to study it. Physics is hard to learn because it is writen in English and it need to think. Therefore, everyone who is good at it must use more time than others. As you sow, so shall you reap. So I need to study more seriously.
Today I have a mid-term of physics, and I have perpared and have calculated questions in textbooks many times. However, I could't calm when I tested it. Although the questions I had writen before, I was nervous. After the test, I relaxed finilly. I know that I have to face the constast affairs , and I must prepare entirely .
volleyball competition
All members don't have the same freetime to pratice together, so we have to play it with inborn skill. This game is predicted to lose in my mind. I think that I don't really good at volleyball, and members did not concentrate on the game. I were not cutious to realize the result, but I did my best.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
It was difficult to do it well and succeed. We finished it after school hours. After that, it was so tired to us that we could't do another thing without rest. Doing circuit board had to spend a lot of energy. I really admire engineers for their patience and wisdom.
The view
it was the view about that two child who are a girl and a boy handed in hands, huged and played together. It isn't happened in adults except lovers in Taiwan. When we grow up, we make more and more limitation for own. Therefore,we can't show behavior with our own way. Then the distance of people will be longer and longer. I yearn for playing with classmates closely like them and their innocence.
Trouble in bus
My easycard was uesless when I try to pay fare. I was embarrassed, and I sured that there was enough money in my easycard. I touched someone's shoulder and telled to her. I said,''can you help me to pay my fare? I will repay you when I get off the bus.'' She used her easycard and geted off the car quickly. However, her card was also useless because the same card couldn't be used twice. Embarrassly, everyone who wanted to get in or get off the car was waiting for me. Then the bus driver touched some buttons. My easycard could be used , and I got off the bus.
It is unfair that I always help others who need help actively, but nobody wants to give a hand. God helps those who help themselves. I need to find the solution myself and don't complain about others being unmoved.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
dinner party & basketball game is promoted

Sunday - Basketball game
Our team is promoted to frist four in the basketball game of freshmen.The competitors were worse than us, so we won the game easily. Playing basketball isn't only one person to operate,so we have to cultivate indentical understanding and practice frequently. It will make us skilled. We need to grow not to be proud of out victory, and hope we can get betterand better.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

There were merely seven people in the team. At first, we were so scared of our competitors because they could change people many times when the game was playing. However, we had to accept the fact and be brave to face them.
At the beggining of the game, we were so nervous that we couldn't show actaul strength. The game was too exciting to take eyes off. Suddenlly, one of our team members shot a ball exactly in the basket. Then cheer squad screamed loudly and clapped their hands heartily. After three rounds, our team and another both got seven scores.
At the last round, both of us tryed our best to win the game. During the last round, our team had gotten ahead of one score. When time left the last second, one of the team members shot the wrong side of basket. That was the key shoot if she helped them score two points, we would be lose. Fortunately, she didn't shoot in. Finally, we won the difficult game.

Thank for our cheer team!
We can't be excellent without their cheer. They give us more confidence not to be fearful in the period of the competition.
We gain the great expience and tacit understanding, and that will be the best harvast than the victory.
The pictures are from my classmate.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Writing my diary in English is a special try to me. I think that it will be fun and difficult to find out. I need more time to explore the blogger's functions, but doing significant homework can help me improve English writing. I think that I should face more challenges to increase my writing exprience. Today I change the photo picture, page's style, word's shape and color . I wish I will create the pages myself and make longer articles.
However, I has a basketball game of freshmen originally. The competition has canceled because of rain. It is also a big try to my team. There are merely seven members in my team, so we need much more engery than other teams. That will be difficult to win. I couldn't help but realize the ending of the competition.
The picture is provided from my high school classmate.